Candace Owens Copies Racist Tweets by Sarah Jeong but Replaces "White" with "Black" .... IS IMMEDIATELY SUSPENDED!

Candace Owens Copies Racist Tweets by Sarah Jeong but Replaces "White" with "Black" .... IS IMMEDIATELY SUSPENDED! IT IS OK IF THEIR SIDE DOES IT BUT NOT OK IF IT IS USED BACK AT THEM (

by HarryVonZell to politics (+353|-8)

Twitter Blocks Searching for CandiceOwens after 12 Hour Ban on CandiceO for swapping White For Jewish Tweet - Partly Bans People From Seeing People Talking About the Ban(politics)

by Durm to politics (+186|-3)

Jeanine Pirro: By Defending Sarah Jeong, The New York Times Is Saying 'It's OK to Be Racist if Your Target Is White' | Breitbart (

by acratus to news (+246|-3)